Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Girls Ask?...

When a close friend commits sin or goes in the wrong path how can I help her?

First of all pray for her and then lovingly and clearly explain to her her faults. Continue your friendship. You have opened her eyes and now it is her responsibility and her choice. Gently ask her if she would like to receive help. If your friend does not heed your advice your natural reaction will be anger and hatred. Condemn her sin, not her. Let not your aim be to make her feel guilty, she already does. Condemning her will only hinder her change. Do not ever change your friendly attitude. Allow her to make her own decision. It is her life. You don't need to feel guilty if she disregards your counsel and destroys her life. She is responsible for her life, not you. You can only do your best (Prov 27:5,6).

Thursday, June 18, 2009


1. Pray for the unity in our churches and the people in India to be saved.

2. Pray for Adultery sins to be removed in all the States.

3. Pray for the Protection of our Nation against Terrorism in North India.

4. Pray for protection against natural calamities and epidemics.

5. Pray for the unity in Religious activities of our Nation in proclaiming God’s word.

6. Pray for peace and safety of our Nation. Pray for protection against deceiving works of satan in our Nation.

7. Pray for the safety of the people dwelling in the five continents from destruction.

8. Pray for the reach of the Gospel to all the people dwelling in the villages and hills are as and for all missionaries to praise and shine in these areas.

9. Pray that justice, truth and righteousness to prevail in our Nation.

10. Pray for the requirement of prayer warriors for our Nation.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Holy life is very important to receive anything from God. How can we expect healing when we are leading a life with evil habits? Jesus Christ isa Holy one. The same holiness He expects in our lives. Somebody will callus to pray for their loss in business, but the things in the shop, can make the people to do sin. If it is so God can not bless the business. Moreover curse will be there rather than blessing.

These six things the Lord hates, yes seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lyiing tongue, Hands that sheds innocent blood, A heart that devices wicked plans, A false witness who speaks lies, and One who sows discard among brother - Proverb 6:16-19.

The above things not only make us unholy but also make God to detest us. If God detests us how can we get blessings from Him. We should ask grace so that our human nature may not emege. We pray and read the Bible but is there holiness in our life?

HOLINESS: Since He is Holy, He has called us to be holy. He only can give the holiness. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peacable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy - James 3:17. God given holiness comes from the heaven. It does not belong to earth. We are confused for onething for many times. Do we have the heavenly wisdom? Ask our Lord, He will give you the peace and calm in all your situations.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control - Galatians 5:22,23. Our life is to reflect these things. We should have no partiality nor hypocrisy. These are given by the God who has called us for holiness.

Avoid yourselves from unholiness and be with the holiness that is given from the heaven. When we are holy, each and everyday we receive blessings. Avoid the things God detests, and receive the holiness that God gives.

May God do miracles in your life. Amen.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Girls Ask...

Can I go out with friends?

First of all your parents must know your friends and where you are going. Inform them when you will return. Then parents will happily let you go if they are convinced about your safety. Many young girls do not involve themselves in home affairs and therefore their parents are reluctant to send them with friends. Make outing with friends a time of constructive pastime towards release, relaxation and overall personality development. Review often if your friends are making you a better person.



Are you in the state of disappointment? Please do not get loss of your faith. Increase your faith. GOD is able to do the more things than you expect. He will be your way, truth and life. The power of resurrection will do things among you.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way should go. I will guide you with my eye- Psalm32:8

THE WAY: Jesus Christ is able to teach you and guide you. When we will wait at His feet, He will show us the way. He will counsel us, keeping His eyes upon us. Patient is very important to get the way and the counseling. Now a day’s people have no time to wait. They do not have time even hear what the Holy Spirit says. When they are caught in any problem they beg to Jesus to deliver them. Without knowing his way, wherever you run, you cannot receive any benefit. If your way pleases Him certainly, happiness and peace are in the way, along with perfect blessing. You must know the way appointed for you.

Therefore, as The Holy Spirit says: Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, in the day of trail in the wilderness – Heb. 3:7-8.

Many people do not obey what the Holy Spirit says. The people of Israel went through the wilderness for forty years, which can be passed by only few days. Because of their hardened hearts they had lost the blessing which they had to receive. We can not get rest if we go off the way due to our heart hardened. As the result we will have to face unhappiness, peaceless and loses. So, let us know the way and walk with Him on the way.

The Truth: oh, sent out your light and your truth! Let them lead me. Let them bring me to your holy hill, and to your tabernacle – Psalm 43:3.

The light of Jesus Christ makes us shine. The truth teaches us and guides us forwards the holy mountain. Read here psalm number 1 verse 1-3.

1. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

These verses teach us which place we should not be and on which things we should be pleased. When we do so we get the blessings.

This truth must be present in our day to day life. Truth makes us the beloved sons/daughters of Him. It takes us towards His abode. The ungodly people do not enter into His abode. The one who feels that he is a sinner and wants to receive the God’s grace, can enter into the abode.

The Life: In His was life and the life was the light of men – John 1:4

Now a days many houses are occupied by darkness, many evil-powers and evil spirits. If you believe Jesus Christ, His light enter into you. Darkness has no place where the light is. When the light of Jesus enters into you, the darkness will entirely vanish. For whoever finds me finds life, and obtain favour from the Lord – Proverb 2:

When you find Jesus Christ, His life will get into you. You will be the redeemed people filled with happiness and peacefulness. Let us accept Him as our personal Saviour and walk with Him.

Do you know that.......

1) Psalms 118 is the middle chapter of the entire Bible?

2) Before Psalms 118, Psalms 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible?

3) After Psalms 118, Psalms 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible?

4) That there are 594 chapters each before and following Psalms 118?

5) That if you add up all the chapters except Psalms 118, you get a total of 1188 chapters.

6) And incidentally, 1188 or Psalms 118 verse 8 also happens to be the middle verse of the entire Bible.

The central verse should have a fairly important message don't you think?


You may say that all of the above is simply coincidental. But how amazing that directly in the center of all of God's Word is a verse that sums up what the world needs so desperately to do .... put our faith in God instead of our abilities. Submission to God is the first step in having a wonderful relationship with Him and His creation.

What Girls Ask…

I stay in a hostel. I love a girl in an unnatural way and she also discloses a similar interest in me.

Many young girls starved of parental love and affection fall for such unhealthy relationships and develop a sense of false security. Don't get hooked. Avoid that girl completely and get involved in physical activities like sports and exercises. Fill your mind with the Word of God. Discourage idleness in yourself. To deal with your loneliness develop good friendships and hobbies. See that you go to bed tired. Do not encourage possessive or controlling relationships. You may seek help from a trusted elderly lady or a lady counsellor (Rom 1:26, 27).


Psalms 106: 23 “Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them”.

Pray for 60 lakhs people of India are affected by AIDS. 10 lakhs people who are below 15 years old are doing prostitution.

Pray for 70 lakhs Indian people are addicted with drugs.

Pray for Lakhs of people in India commit suicide per year.

Pray for 3 lakhs village have not been told of Jesus.

Pray for 1,700 villages out of 3,207 villages in the district of Balamu in Bihar are under the control of Naxalites.

Pray for 14,000 missionaries die as martyrs every month across the World.

What Girls Ask:

I trusted a boy. He ditched me. Now I am unable to trust anyone. I feel all men are bad.

Forgive him. Only that will heal your hurt. You should be wise and not trust everyone blindly. At the same time it is wrong to be suspicious all the time. That will hinder your choice of your life-partner. It is natural that you find it difficult to love another boy. Though it takes time you will gradually come out of it. Develop healthy friendships with all respecting their humanness. Ask God to lead you to the right person. Take your parents into confidence in this matter.

With Love and Prayers,

Mrs. Hepsi Benjamin, India.



We may think that everyday we glorify God. But, as mentioned in the above verse, first we should fear God then glorify Him. Do we have the fear of the Lord? If we have the fear then anger, bitterness, irritation and zeal should not be found in our activities. Instead, the primary fruit of the Spirit, the love will be with us. Do you love your neighbours? Now-a-days many people accuse others, for not speaking with them.

Look at the Jesus’ second commandment “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” Mark 12:31. If you fear God, you will love your neighbours. Nowadays the fear of the Lord is totally absent in many families. Love is also absent. Having no sense that God seeing us, we do sins boldly. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” Proverb 15:3.

Keep the verse always in your mind. He looks at you whatever you do. Some people pretend that they fear God, but inside their hearts will be lies, deceit and cunning. God knows you. So fear God and glorify Him.

Let us see some people who feared the Lord in the Bible. “Now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son from me” Genesis 22:12.

Abraham got a good testimony from the Lord. Once he was childless, God gave him a son. Then He tested him. He wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son. Abraham prepared everything to sacrifice his one and only son. God was keeping quiet till Abraham raised his knife. Then God said to Abraham “Now I know that you fear God”.

Beloved, can God give the same testimony about you? Sometimes God testifies us also. Abraham was faithful, obedient and longsuffering. The same characters God wants us to possess. Faithfulness is coming down because of scientific advantages. Due to this material knowledge people forget the wisdom given by God. So, we should fear God and run in the race appointed by the Lord.

We may see in the Bible that God blessed Abraham only after He testified that he feared the Lord. “The angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said, By myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed because you have obeyed my voice” Genesis 22:17-18.

Dearly beloved, if you are calm in your sufferings, faithful and obedient like Abraham, you will also be blessed to inherit His blessings. Are you facing problem in your working place? Pray to God without worrying. He will bless you. Are you suppressed by financial shortage? Pray and wait. Then we will deliver you from all your critical situations. God wants to bless those who fear Him. Pray to Him and inherit the blessings.